18+ Dirty Dare – Non Veg Adult Dare Sms Messages For Whatsapp Fb : – So friends now you can do fun with your friends on WhatsApp, Send this truth and dare SMS messages to all peoples you work is to just to send these Whatsapp Dirty dare questions then ask to choose number, Latter or color it has a dirty dare behind it and he/she wants to do it which number they have chosen. It is a funny concept of a game just send these Double meaning questions with your Gf/Bf than if he/she give a wrong answer then give a dirty dare which you really want to do it from them for enjoyment. So friends if you are in search of Best Dirty dare questions so you are in a correct place because here we have best dirty dare WhatsApp questions which you can send to your Girlfriend(GF) or Boyfriend(BF). We all know that WhatsApp has a million of the user or if you are one of them so you can visit our site daily for a daily new Whatsapp stuff which we are providing you in our website. This game is very amazing you just want to send these Whatsapp dare questions and other guys have to say its answer if he says lie so you can give him a dare you can say anything to him and he really has to do it which dare you have given him or her.
18+ Dirty Dare – Non Veg Adult Dare Sms Messages For Whatsapp Fb

Must See: Sad Mood Whatsapp Status
Dirty Dare Questions For Whatsapp:-
- Go outside & sing a clip of ur favorite Disney song at the top of ur lungs.
- Exchange shirts with the person next to u for the next round of questions.
- Wear a funny hat on ur head for the next three rounds of questions.
- Drink a mystery brew concocted by the rest of the group. Make sure there is nothing harmful or dangerous in the concoction, & set a reasonable limit of sips the person must take to complete the dare.
- Everything u say for the rest of the game has to rhyme.
- Give someone in the group a piggyback ride around the room.
- Pretend that you’re swimming underwater for the next three rounds of questions.
- Prank call someone u know (perhaps another girl in the group that couldn’t make it that night).
- Set up a tea party between any of the stuffed animals in the house. Invite the girls in ur group to come join.
- Eat a mouthful of crackers & try to whistle.
- If there is a pet at the event, have that person try & hold the pet for the rest of the night.
- Repeat everything another player says for the next three rounds of the game.
- Wear ur pants backward for the rest of the game.
- Ask the neighbors to borrow a cup of sugar.
- Sing instead of speaking for the next two rounds of the game.
- Post a uTube video after singing a currently popular song.
- Make up a rap about the person to ur right.
- Run around the room imitating a monkey.
- Say the alphabet backward in a British accent.
- Crack an egg on ur head.
Double Meaning Whatsapp Dares Questions Msgs
Friendship Truth & Dirty Dare Questions Whatsapp Sms For Gf Bf
- What were ur first impressions of me (the question asked)?
- What personality traits would cause u to end a friendship?
- Would u go behind a friend’s back with a crush?
- Have u ever lied to ur best friend?
- Would u ever cheat off a friends paper?
- How many different best friends have u had during ur lifetime?
- If u were stuck on a deserted isl&, which friend would u want with u?
Embarrassing Questions - How long have u gone without showering?
- What don’t u want anyone in this group to ask u? (Be sure to keep it in mind for future rounds!)
- Have u ever told a lie during a game of Truth or Dare? What was it & why?
- Have u ever had a crush on anyone here?
- Have u ever stolen anything?
- What’s ur scariest nightmare?
- What do u think is ur biggest physical flaw?
- Have u ever gone skinny dipping?
- What kind of pajamas do u wear to bed?
- What’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever done on a dare?
- What color is ur underwear?
- Have u ever peed in the swimming pool?
CHECK MORE: Whatsapp Video Status
Hey guys we hope you all enjoy our post which is of Double Meaning – Dirty Dare Questions Whatsapp Sms Messages For Friends, If you like this post so you can share this post with all peoples who are getting boor by doing the same thing every day must play this Truth and dare game this game is quite simple and more entertaining. Share this post on Facebook, Whatsapp messenger, Google plus, Twitter and also on other social networking sites. Or if you want a daily update of statusbro.in so you can like our page of facebook which is a name of WhatsApp image check it you really like that page. Thanks for visiting our site and giving your time for reading our post have a good day.
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