Advance Happy Navratri 2018 Wishes Sms Status For Whatsapp:- We are celebrating Navaratri every year friends do you that why we celebrate navaratri. Let me tell you why we celebrate navaratri. The story is like that on that time there is a very powerful demon and he worships the lord he worshiper lord shiva because he won’t power that no buddy will kill him. And after getting the power he started killing innocent people and god of swargaloka. Then all the devta goes to the lord of Shiva and request to lord shiva that do something to protected world from mahishasure. in our website you will find the Navaratri Wishes Messages. Then tremurti god brahma , Vishnu and siva unite their power and create a female divine Ma Durga to kill mahisasure. And when Ma durga went to kill maheshasure then seeing Ma Durga maheshasure approached Ma durga for marriage. On that time Ma durga agreed to marry maheshaure but . SMS For Happy Navaratri 2018. Ma durga put a condition Mahishasure should have to fight with Ma durga if mahisasure win the battle then. Ma durga will marry him. After this mahishasure ready to fight with ma durga and the battle was continued for nine night and at the and of nine nights. Ma durga killed maheshasure. That’s is the reason why India celebrating navaratri.
Advance Durga puja 2018 Wishes Sms : When ma durga kill maheshasure on that all swargloka god worship ma Durga, So we also want to worship ma durga in the festival of navartri 2018. Here we are provide you the latest and updated Happy Navaratri Wishes Messages For Whatsapp. So guys know you can use this stuff to wishes your friends and family or If you won’t’s to share this stuff with your friends and family members you can just click on the share button and you post will share.
God Durga Is Embodiment Of Shakti
Who Has Overcome The Evils Of The World.
May This Navaratri
Every one Uses Here Blessings & Power
2 Overcome Their Problems In Life
Wish u All Aa Happy Navaratri.

With God Durga Showering Her Grace & Blessings 2 Fill Our Home & Hearts With It May This Navaratri Bee Extra Special 2 Share This Moment With The World Wish u Aa Happy Navaratri.
Nava Durga Ma Has Come 2 Our Presence 2 Grace Us With Her Supremacy Let Us Worship Her With Happiness & Spirit Cherish Her Blessings & Celebrate With Our Loved 1s Wish u All A Advance Happy Navaratri wishes.

नव शक्ति
नव चेतना
नव उत्थान
नव भक्ति
नव आराधना
नव कल्याण
नव ज्योत्सना
नव कल्पना
नव निर्माण…. नवमी के परम अवसर पर पूरी हो आपकी हर मनोकामना …. जय माता दी
॥ जय अम्बे गौरी ॥
सारी रात माँ के गुण गायें .. माँ का ही नाम जपें .. माँ में ही खो जाएँ …शुभ नवरात्रि
माँ की आराधना का ये पर्व है , माँ की 9 रूपों की भक्ति का ये पर्व है , बिगड़े काम बनाने का ये पर्व है , भक्ति का दिया दिल में जलाने का पर्व है…नवरात्रि की शुभकामनाएं!
Advance Durga Puja 2018 Status Wishes For Whatsapp FB

I pray Goddess DURGA to give you STRENGTH in whatever you DO, to GUIDE and PROTECT you wherever you GO. Happy Navratri and Durga Pooja.
Wishing that Maa Durga gives you the courage and strength to fight all evil forces that come your way. Happy Durga Puja.
As Goddess Durga returns home, I wish that she leaves behind good luck and happiness for you and your family. Wishing you a happy Vijaya Dashami.
This Durga Puja, I’m sending my warmest greetings to you and to your family. May all of you have a blessed celebration of Durga Puja Festival!

I wish that Goddess Durga protect and guide you. As you celebrate the victory of good over evil, may the divine blessings of Maa Durga be with you. Happy Durga Puja!
I may be away, but I would like you to know that I remember you and family this auspicious day of Goddess Durga. May all of you be blessed with good health and a happy life. Happy Durga Puja!
Let the festive spirit embrace you and your dear ones on this special occasion. Wishing you a happy Durga Puja.
Friends navartri is the festival is our festival lets make it interesting and if you like our post and blog then you can share and comment us thanks for visiting in our Website. Advance Happy Navratri 2018 Wishes Sms Messages for Whatsapp.
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